'O sate gente deum, Troianam ex hostibus urbem

qui reuehis nobis aeternaque Pergama seruas,

exspectate solo Laurenti aruisque Latinis,

hic tibi certa domus, certi (ne absiste) penates.

neu belli terrere minis; tumor omnis et irae40

concessere deum.

iamque tibi, ne uana putes haec fingere somnum,

litoreis ingens inuenta sub ilicibus sus

triginta capitum fetus enixa iacebit,

alba solo recubans, albi circum ubera nati.45

[hic locus urbis erit, requies ea certa laborum,]

ex quo ter denis urbem redeuntibus annis

Ascanius clari condet cognominis Albam.

haud incerta cano. nunc qua ratione quod instat

expedias uictor, paucis (aduerte) docebo.50

Arcades his oris, genus a Pallante profectum,

qui regem Euandrum comites, qui signa secuti,

delegere locum et posuere in montibus urbem

Pallantis proaui de nomine Pallanteum.

hi bellum adsidue ducunt cum gente Latina;55

hos castris adhibe socios et foedera iunge.

ipse ego te ripis et recto flumine ducam,

aduersum remis superes subuectus ut amnem.

surge age, nate dea, primisque cadentibus astris

Iunoni fer rite preces, iramque minasque60

supplicibus supera uotis. mihi uictor honorem

persolues. ego sum pleno quem flumine cernis

stringentem ripas et pinguia culta secantem,

caeruleus Thybris, caelo gratissimus amnis.

hic mihi magna domus, celsis caput urbibus exit.'65


    ō: (interj. expressing joy, grief, astonishment, desire, or indignation), O! oh! ah! w. voc., 2.281, et al.; w. sī and the subj., oh that, 11.415; sometimes placed after the word to which it relates, 2.281.

    serō, sēvī, satus, 3, a.: to sow or plant; with indefinite object omitted, 6.844; scatter, spread, disseminate, 12.228.

    Trōiānus, a, um: adj. (Trōia), Trojan, 1.19; subst., Trōiānus, ī, m., a Trojan, 1.286; pl., Trōiānī, ōrum, m., the Trojans, 5.688.

    revehō, vexī, vectus, 3, a.: to carry, convey or bring back, 8.37.

    Pergama, ōrum, n., Pergamum, ī, n., and Pergamus (-os), ī, f.: 1. The citadel or walls of Troy, 3.87; Troy, 4.344, et al. 2. The Trojan citadel of Helenus in Epirus, 3.336.

    exspectō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n.: to look out for; to expect, wait for, 4.134; await, 6.614; tarry, linger, delay, 4.225; p., exspectātus, a, um, much looked for; much desired, 2.283; expected, trusted.

    solum, ī, n.: the bottom or ground of anything; soil, earth, ground, 1.367, et al.; land, 3.698; foundation, 10.102; the water beneath a ship, as its support; the water, sea, 5.199; support, table, 7.111.

    Laurēns, entis: adj. (Laurentum), of Laurentum, the ancient capital of Latium; Laurentine, Laurentian, 5.797, et al., subst., Laurentēs, um, pl. m., the Laurentians, 7.63, et al.

    Latīnus, a, um: adj. (Latium), of Latium; Latin, 1.6, et al.; Latīna, ae, f., a Latin woman, 12.604.

    absistō, abstitī, 3, n.: to stand off or away from, followed by the abl., alone or with prep.; withdraw from, 6.259; fly, dart from, 12.102; (with infin.), desist, cease, 6.399; (alone), stop, cease, 1.192.

    Penātēs, ium, m.: gods of the household; hearth-, fireside gods, 2.514, et al.; tutelary gods of the state as a national family, 1.68; (fig.), fireside, hearth, dwelling-house, abode, 1.527. (penus)

    nēve or neu: (conj.), or not, and not, nor, neither, w. subj. or imperat., 7.202; ne — neu (nēve), that not — nor, lest — or lest, 2.188.

    minae, ārum, f.: the projecting parts; points, pinnacles, battlements, 4.88; threats, menaces, 4.44; perils, 6.113; curses, 3.265. (cf. -mineō in immineō, etc.)

    tumor, ōris, m.: a swelling; of the mind, passion, indignation, resentment, 8.40. (tumeō)

    concēdō, essī, essus, 3, a. and n.: to retire; come away, come, 2.523; go away, depart, 2.91; subside, come to an end, terminate, 8.41; allow, yield, grant, concede, 5.798; give up to, abandon, 7.305.

    vānus, a, um: (adj.), containing nothing, empty; devoid of truth, deceitful, false, 1.352; unavailing, 8.259; groundless, 4.12; ignorant, 10.631; subst., vāna, ōrum, n., useless things, 2.287; (adv.), vāna, vainly, 11.854.

    lītoreus, a, um: adj. (lītus), pertaining to the seashore; on the shore; very rarely, on the river bank, 3.390; of the shore, seashore, 12.248.

    īlex, icis, f.: the holm-oak, scarlet oak, ilex, 6.180.

    sūs, suis, c.: a hog, swine, 1.635; sow, 3.390.

    trīgintā: (num. adj., indecl.), thirty, 1.269.

    fētus, ūs, m.: a bearing or breeding; the young; the new swarm, 1.432; litter, 3.391; of vegetable products, growth, sprig, shoot, 6.207; fruit; product.

    ēnītor, nīxus or nīsus sum, 3, dep. n. and a.: to struggle forth or upward; to bring forth, bear offspring, 3.327.

    recubō, 1, n.: to be lying back or down; recline; be extended; lie, 3.392.

    circum: (adv.), about, around; (prep. with acc.), around, about.

    ūber, eris: (adj.), fruitful, fertile, 3.106. (compar., ūberior; superl., ūberrimus), (ūber)

    ter: (num. adv.), thrice, three times, 1.94, et al. (trēs)

    dēnī, ae, a: (adj. num. distrib.), ten by ten; ten each; (as cardinal), ten, 1.381.

    redeō, īvī or iī, itus, īre, irreg. n.: to go, come back, return; retreat, 9.794.

    Ascanius, iī, m.: Ascanius, son of Aeneas, and traditional founder of Alba Longa, 1.267.

    cognōmen, inis, n.: a name common to a family; a surname; name, 1.267.

    Alba, ae, f.: Alba or Alba Longa, a town on the Alban hills in Latium, from which Rome originated, 1.271.

    incertus, a, um: (adj.), uncertain, 2.740; wavering; fickle, 2.39; doubtful, 3.7; undistinguished, base, 11.341.

    īnstō, stitī, 1, n.: to stand on or upon; w. dat., acc., inf., or alone; w. dat., to stand on, 11.529; stand or hang over, 10.196; (w. acc.), to work at, ply work upon, 8.834; (w. inf.), urge on, press on, 1.423; persist, 10.118; (alone), to follow up, press on; pursue, 1.468; struggle, 12.783; be near at hand, approach, threaten, 12.916; to be urgent, important, incumbent, 4.115.

    expediō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, a.: to make the foot free; to extricate, disentangle; bring forth, get ready, 1.178; seize, use, 5.209; serve, 1.702; unfold, describe, disclose, 3.379, 460; declare, 11.315; pass. in middle sig., make one’s way out, escape, 2.633. (ex and pēs)

    paucus, a, um: (adj.), small, little; pl., paucī, ae, a, few, a few.

    Arcas, adis, m.: an Arcadian, 10.452;(adj.), 11.835.

    ōra, ae, f.: a margin, border, 12.924; coast, shore, 3.396; region, 2.91; rim, extremity, 10.477; pl., outline, compass, 9.528.

    Pallās, antis, m.: 1. A king of Arcadia, great-grandfather of Evander, 8.51. 2. Pallas, son of Evander, 8.104, et al.

    Euander (-drus, 8.100; Ēvander, -drus), drī, m.: Evander, an Arcadian prince, son of Carmentis, and king of Pallanteum on the Tiber, 8.52.

    dēligō, lēgī, lēctus, 3, a.: to choose from; choose, 2.18. (dē and legō)

    proavus, ī, m.: a great-grandfather; sire, ancestor, 3.129.

    Pallantēum, ī, n.: the city of Evander on the Palatine, 8.54, et al.

    adsiduē: adv. (adsiduus), persistently, perpetually, constantly, 4.248.

    foedus, eris, n.: a treaty, league, alliance, freq., truce, 5.496; side or party, 12.658; covenant, contract, 4.339; laws of hospitality, hospitality, 10.91; pledge, love, 4.520; law, term, condition, rule, 1.62. (rel. to fīdō, trust)

    rēmus, ī, m.: originally steering-oar; an oar, 1.104.

    subvehō, vexī, vectus, 3, a.: to carry up; (pass.), ride up, ascend, 11.478; 5.721; sail, float up, 8.58.

    age, agite: (imperat. of ago), onward! away! come on!

    Iūnō, ōnis, f.: Juno, the Sabine and Roman name for the wife and sister of Jupiter, daughter of Saturn, 1.4, et al.; Iūnō īnferna, the Juno of the lower world, Proserpine, 6.138.

    rīte: (adv.), properly, fitly, rightly, 6.145; justly, meetly, 3.36; well, 3.107. (rītus)

    supplex, icis: adj. (supplicō, beseech), kneeling, entreating, suppliant, 3.439; subst., supplex, icis, c., a suppliant, 2.542.

    persolvō, solvī, solūtus, 3, a.: to loosen completely; set free; free one's self from obligation; pay, render, give, return, 1.600, et al.; sacrifice, offer, 5.484.

    stringō, strīnxī, strīctus, 3, a.: to draw tight, bind; of a sword, draw out, draw, 2.334; graze, touch lightly, go near, 5.163; trim up, cut, 1.552; (fig.), touch the mind, 9.294.

    pinguis, e: (adj.), fat, 1.215; well-fed, 1.635; fertile; reeking, 4.62; fat or rich with victims, 9.585.

    culta, ōrum, n.: plowed fields; fields.

    secō, secuī, sectus, 1, a.: to cut, freq.; cut off, 4.704; engrave, carve, 3.464; cut through, cleave, 5.218, et al.; of the channel of a river, 8.63; sail through, pass, 8.96; speed, 6.899; shape out mentally, form, 10.107.

    caerulus, a, um: (adj.), dark blue, 2.381; sea-colored, azure, 5.819; dark; black, 3.64; subst., caerula, ōrum, n., the dark blue waters; the sea, 3.208.

    Thӯbris, idis, m.: an ancient king of Latium, 8.330.

    celsus, a, um: adj. (cellō, rise), high, lofty, 1.56, et al.

    exeō, īvī or iī, itus, īre, irreg. n. and a.: to go out or forth, 1.306; come out, 5.492; overflow, burst forth, 2.497; avoid, elude, 5.438.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/ja/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-viii-36-65