Ipse inter prīmōs praestantī corpore Turnus

vertitur arma tenēns et tōtō vertice suprā est.

cui triplicī crīnīta iubā galea alta Chimaeram785

sustinet Aetnaeōs efflantem faucibus īgnīs;

tam magis illa fremēns et trīstibus effera flammīs

quam magis effūsō crūdēscunt sanguine pūgnae.

at lēvem clipeum sublātīs cornibus Īō

aurō īnsīgnībat, iam saetīs obsita, iam bōs,790

argūmentum ingēns, et cūstōs virginis Argus,

caelātāque amnem fundēns pater Īnachus urnā.

Īnsequitur nimbus peditum clipeātaque tōtīs

agmina dēnsentur campīs, Argīvaque pūbēs

Auruncaeque manūs, Rutulī veterēsque Sicānī,795

et Sacrānae aciēs et pīctī scūta Labīcī;

quī saltūs, Tiberīne, tuōs sacrumque Numīcī

lītus arant Rutulōsque exercent vōmere collīs

Circaeumque iugum, quīs Iuppiter Anxurus arvīs

praesidet et viridī gaudēns Ferōnia lūcō;800

quā Saturae iacet ātra palūs gelidusque per īmās

quaerit iter vallīs atque in mare conditur Ūfēns.


    praestāns, antis, comp., praestantior, ius: excellent, superior, distinguished, 5.361; w. gen., 12.19.

    Turnus, ī, m.: the chief of the Rutulians, 7.56, et al.

    vertex, icis, m.: a whirl; whirlpool, 7.567; vortex, 1.117; whirling column of flame, 12.673; the top, crown of the head, the head, 1.403; summit, top, 1.163; mountain summit, height, 3.679; ā vertice, from on high, from above, 1.114. (vertō)

    triplex, icis: adj. (trēs and plicō), threefold, triple, 10.784, et al.

    crīnītus, a, um: adj. (crīnis), long-haired, 1.740.

    iuba, ae, f.: the mane of a horse; of a serpent, 2.206; of a helmet, plume, crest, 2.412.

    galea, ae, f.: a helmet, either of leather or of metal, 3.468, et al.

    Chimaera, ae, f.: 1. A monster, said to have infested Lycia, having the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a dragon, and breathing out fire, 6.288. 2. The name of one of the ships of Aeneas, 5.118.

    Aetnaeus, a, um: adj. (Aetna), of Aetna; Aetnaean, 3.678.

    efflō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to blow or breathe out, 7.786. (ex and flō)

    faucēs, ium, f.: the jaws, throat, 2.358; (fig.), mouth, entrance, jaws, 6.241; defiles, 11.516.

    magis, and short form, mage: (adv.), in a greater measure; more, 5.94; 10.481; the more, 7.787; for potius, by preference, rather, 5.29; better, 4.452. (rel. to māgnus)

    fremō, uī, itus, 3, n. and a.: to make a murmuring noise; to roar, 1.56; whinny, neigh, 12.82; raise lamentations, 6.175; whiz, 12.922; resound, 4.668; rage, 5.19; to be fierce, furious, 4.229; fume, rave, 12.535; shout and sing, 4.146; a., rage, rave for, clamor for, 11.453, et al.; ore fremere, applaud, shout applause, 5.385; p., fremēns, entis, raging, 4.229.

    efferus, a, um: adj. (ex and ferus, wild), extremely wild; savage, frantic, 4.642; fierce, 8.6; cruel, 8.484.

    effūsus, a, um: poured forth; overflowing; thronging, 12.131. (effundō)

    crūdēscō, crūduī, 3, inc. n.: to become harsh; to grow fierce, 7.788. (crūdus)

    at and ast: (conj., denoting addition either with the notion of difference, or of decided opposition), but, 1.46; yet, still, after conditional propositions; in adding new particulars, and in transitions, but also, but, now, 4.1; denoting indignation, with execration, 2.535.

    lēvis, e: (adj.), smooth; slippery, 5.328; polished, 5.91.

    clipeus, ī, m., and clipeum, ī, n.: a round shield; a shield, 2.227, et al.

    Īō, ūs, f.: Io, daughter of Inachus, changed into a cow, watched by Argus, and again restored to her own form, and worshiped by the Egyptians as Isis, 7.789.

    īnsīgniō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, a.: to decorate with a mark; adorn, mark, decorate, 7.790. (īnsīgne)

    saeta, ae, f.: a bristle; a stiff hair, 6.245; fur.

    obserō, sēvī, situs, 3, a.: to plant upon or over; p., obsitus, a, um, overgrown, covered over, 7.790; hoary, 8.307.

    argūmentum, ī, n.: the means of making clear; subject, theme, story, 7.791. (arguō)

    Argus (Argos), ī, m.: a guest of Evander, 8.346; Argus, the hundred-eyed keeper who was made the guard of Io, after she was changed into a heifer by Juno, 7.791.

    caelō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to cut in relief; carve, engrave, chase, emboss, 1.640. (caelum, a chisel)

    Īnachus, ī, m.: the first king of Argos, father of Io and Phoroneus, 7.372.

    urna, ae, f.: a water-vessel, an urn, 7.792; an urn for casting lots, 6.22; of judges, 6.432.

    īnsequor, secūtus sum, 3, dep. a.: to follow up, pursue, follow, 5.321; press on, follow up; succeed, 1.87; persecute, pursue, 1.241; w. inf., proceed, 3.32.

    nimbus, ī, m.: a violent rain; storm, tempest, 1.51; a black cloud, thunder-cloud, cloud, 3.587; a bright cloud; the nimbus surrounding a god, 2.616; cloud of smoke, 5.666; a multitude, 7.793.

    pedes, itis, m.: one who goes on foot; as a footman; on foot, 12.510; a foot-soldier; collectively, infantry, soldiery, 6.516. (pēs)

    clipeātus, a, um: adj. (clipeus), armed with a shield, or shield-bearing, 7.793.

    dēnseō, ēre, and dēnsō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to make thick; thicken; close up, 12.264; cast thick, shower, 11.650; gather together, crowd, 7.794. (dēnsus)

    Argīvus, a, um: adj. (Argos), belonging to Argos; Argive; Greek, 2.254; subst., Argīvī, ōrum, Argives, Greeks, 1.40.

    pūbēs, is, f.: the groin, middle, 3.427; the youthful population; youth, young men; youthful band, 1.399; brood, offspring, 6.580.

    Auruncus, a, um: adj. (Aurunca), Auruncan, of Aurunca, an ancient town of Campania, 12.94.

    manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

    Rutulī, ōrum, m.: the Rutulians, an ancient tribe of Latium dwelling south of the Tiber, 1.266, et al.

    vetus, eris: (adj.), old, aged, freq.; ancient, early, former, 1.23, et al.

    Sicānī, ōrum, m.: the Sicanians or Sicilians, 5.293, et al.

    Sācrānus, a, um: (adj.), pertaining to the Sacrani, a Latin people; Sacranian, 7.796.

    pingō, pīnxī, pīctus, 3, a.: to paint, 5.663; color, stain, dye, 7.252; tattoo, 4.146.

    scūtum, ī, n.: an oblong shield carried by the Roman legionary; a shield in general, 1.101, et al. (σκύτος, hide)

    Labīcī, ōrum, m.: the Labici, or people of Labicum or Labici, a Latin town near the present Colonna, 7.796.

    saltus, ūs, m.: woodland pasture, glade, forest, 4.72, et al.

    Tiberīnus (Thӯbrinus, 12.35), a, um: adj. (Tiberis), pertaining to the Tiber; Tiberine, 1.13, et al.; subst., Tiberīnus, m., the river-god, Tiber; the Tiber, 6.873.

    Numīcus, ī, m.: a river of Latium near Lavinium, 7.150.

    arō, āvi, ātus, 1, a. and n.: to plow; till, cultivate, 4.212; of navigation, to plow, 2.780; of age, to furrow, 7.417.

    Rutulus, ī, m.: a Rutulian; Turnus, 7.409; for the pl., the Rutulians, 8.474.

    vōmer, eris, m.: a plowshare, plow, 7.635.

    collis, is, m.: a hill, freq.

    Circaeus, a, um: adj. (Circē), of Circe, 7.10.

    Iuppiter, Iovis, m.: Jupiter, son of Saturn and Rhea, and king of the gods, 1.223; Iuppiter Stygius, Pluto, 4.638.

    Anxurus, a, um: adj. (Anxur), of Anxur, 7.799.

    praesideō, sēdī, 2, n. and a.: to sit before; preside over, rule over, w. dat., 3.35. (prae and sedeō)

    viridis, e: adj. (vireō), verdant, green, 3.24; green wood-, 7.677; fresh, blooming, 5.295; vigorous, 6.304.

    Fērōnia, ae, f.: an ancient Italian goddess, presiding over woods and orchards, 7.800.

    lūcus, ī, m.: a consecrated wood; sacred grove, 6.259, et al.; in general, a grove, wood, forest.

    Satura, ae, f.: a place in Latium, probably on the Pontine marshes, 7.801.

    āter, tra, trum: (adj.), black; dark, gloomy, 1.60, et al.; smoky, lurid, 7.456; 4.384; clotted, dark, 3.622; soiled, blackened, 2.272; (fig.), sad, fatal, 6.429; venomous, deadly; of the odor of smoke, 12.591.

    palūs, ūdis, f.: a marsh, swamp, moor, fen, 6.107; water, 6.414; pond, lake, 8.88.

    gelidus, a, um: adj. (gelū), frosty, ice-cold; cold, cool, icy, chilling, 2.120; chilled, 3.30.

    vallēs, is, f.: a valley, dell, dale, ravine, vale, 1.186, et al.

    Ūfēns, entis, m.: 1. A river of Latium flowing into the sea west of Terracina, 7.802. 2. A chief of the Aequi, 7.745, et al.

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/ja/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-vii-783-802