Sīcaniō praetenta sinū iacet īnsula contrā

Plēmyrium undōsum; nōmen dīxēre priōrēs

Ortygiam. Alphēum fāma est hūc Ēlidis amnem

occultās ēgisse viās subter mare, quī nunc695

ōre, Arethūsa, tuō Siculīs cōnfunditur undīs.

Iussī nūmina magna locī venerāmur, et inde

exsuperō praepingue solum stāgnantis Helōrī.

Hinc altās cautēs prōiectaque saxa Pachӯnī

rādimus, et Fātīs numquam concessa movērī700

appāret Camerīna procul campīque Gelōī,

immānisque Gelā fluviī cognōmine dicta.

Arduus inde Acragās ostentat maxima longē

moenia, magnanimum quondam generātor equōrum;

tēque datīs linquō ventīs, palmōsa Selīnūs,705

et vada dūra legō saxīs Lilybēïa caecīs.

Hinc Drepanī mē portus et inlaetābilis ōra

accipit. Hīc pelagī tot tempestātibus āctus

heu, genitōrem, omnis cūrae cāsūsque levāmen,

āmittō Anchīsēn. hīc mē, pater optime, fessum710

dēseris, heu, tantīs nēquīquam ērepte perīclīs!

Nec vātēs Helenus, cum multa horrenda monēret,

hōs mihi praedīxit lūctūs, nōn dīra Celaenō.

Hic labor extrēmus, longārum haec mēta viārum,

hinc mē dīgressum vestrīs deus appulit ōrīs.715


Sicānus (Sicānius), a, um: adj. (Sicānī), Sicilian, Sicanian, 5.24, et al.

praetendō, tendī, tentus, 3, a.: to hold out before; stretch forth, extend, wave, 8.116; stretch, extend before, 3.692; oppose, 9.599; (fig.), pretend, promise, 4.339.

Plēmyrium, iī, n.: Plemyrium, a promontory in Sicily, near Syracuse, 3.693.

undōsus, a, um: adj. (unda), billowy, stormy, 4.313; sea-washed, 3.693.

prior, ius, ōris (superl., prīmus, wh. see): first or foremost, of two, 5.155; first in order of time, 1.581; earlier, former, first, 3.213; beforehand, anticipating, 11.760; superior, 11.292; (subst.), priōrēs, m., ancestors, 3.693.

Ortygia, ae, f.: quail-island. 1. Ortygia, an ancient name of Delos, 3.124. 2. Ortygia, an island forming part of the city of Syracuse, 3.694.

Alphēus, i., m.: the Alpheus, a river in Elis, supposed to disappear under the sea, and rise again as the fountain of Arethusa, in the island of Ortygia, near Syracuse, 3.694, et al.

Ēlis, idis, f.: Elis, one of the countries of the Peloponnesus, west of Arcadia, 3.694.

occulō, culuī, cultus, 3, a.: to cover up; hide, conceal, 1.312; p., occultus, a, um, secret, hidden, 3.695.

subter: (prep. w. acc. and abl.), below, beneath, under, 3.695; beneath, 4.182. (sub)

Arethūsa, ae, f.: 1. Arethusa, a nymph; 2. A fountain near Syracuse, 3.696.

Siculus, a, um: adj. (Siculī), pertaining to the Siculi, an ancient race, part of which migrated from Latium to Sicily; Sicilian, 1.34, et al.

cōnfundō, fūdī, fūsus, 3, a.: to pour together; mingle with, 3.696; trouble, confuse, 2.736; disturb, interrupt, violate, 5.496.

iubeō, iussī (fut. perf. iussō for iusserō, 11.467), iussus, 2, a.: to order, request, usually w. inf., freq.; bid, 2.3; ask, invite, 1.708; will, wish, desire, 3.261; direct, enjoin, admonish, 3.697; persuade, advise, 2.37; to clear by command, 10.444; w. subj., 10.53.

veneror, ātus sum, 1, dep. a.: to venerate, reverence, revere, 3.79; adore, worship, 5.745; bow before, kneel at, 12.220; p., venerātus, a, um, (pass.), supplicated, entreated, 3.460.

exsuperō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.: to be completely above; mount upward, rise on high, 2.759; pass by, 3.698; pass over, 11.905; surpass, excel, 12.20; overrule, 7.591; surmount, 10.658; of wrath, boil over, 12.46.

praepinguis, e: (adj.), very fat; rich, 3.698.

solum, ī, n.: the bottom or ground of anything; soil, earth, ground, 1.367, et al.; land, 3.698; foundation, 10.102; the water beneath a ship, as its support; the water, sea, 5.199; support, table, 7.111.

stāgnō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.: to be stagnant, to form a standing pool; to overflow, so as to form standing pools or lakes; overflow, 3.698. (stāgnum)

Helōrus, ī, m.: a river on the S. E. coast of Sicily, 3.698.

cautēs, is, f.: a craggy or pointed rock, or cliff; rock, crag, 3.534.

prōiectus, a, um: projecting, jutting, 3.699. (prōiciō)

Pachӯnum, ī, n.: Pachynum or Pachynus, the southeastern promontory of Sicily, 3.429.

rādō, rāsī, rāsus, 3, a.: to rub, scrape, graze; skim along or over, 5.170; coast along, sail near to, 3.700.

concēdō, essī, essus, 3, a. and n.: to retire; come away, come, 2.523; go away, depart, 2.91; subside, come to an end, terminate, 8.41; allow, yield, grant, concede, 5.798; give up to, abandon, 7.305.

Camarīna, ae, f.: a Syracusan colony on the southwest coast of Sicily, 3.701.

Gelōus, a, um: adj. (Gela), belonging to Gela; of Gela, 3.701.

immānis, e: (adj.), vast, huge, immense, 1.110; wild, savage, barbarous, 1.616; cruel, ruthless, 1.347; unnatural, monstrous, hideous, 6.624; (adv.), immāne, wildly, fiercely, 12.535.

Gela, ae, f.: Gela, an ancient Greek town of Sicily on the river Gela, 3.702.

fluvius, iī, m.: a stream; river, 1.607; water, fountains, abundant water; secundō fluviō, by the favoring stream, with or down the stream, 7.494. (fluō)

cognōmen, inis, n.: a name common to a family; a surname; name, 1.267.

arduus, a, um: (adj.), steep; erect, high, raised high, 2.475; 5.480; lofty, towering, 2.328; rearing, 11.638.

Acragās, antis, m.: Agrigentum, a city on the southern coast of Sicily, now Girgenti, 3.703.

ostentō, āvī, ātus, 1, intens. a.: to hold out to view; display, disclose, 3.703; point out, show, 6.678; make a show of, display, 5.521. (ostendō)

māgnanimus, a, um: adj. (māgnus and animus), possessing a great soul; noble-minded; great, generous, noble, 5.17; brave, 10.139; mighty, 12.144; of animals, high-spirited, highbred, 3.704.

generātor, ōris, m.: one who begets; a breeder, 3.704. (generō)

linquō, līquī, 3, a.: to leave, 1.517, and freq.; desert, abandon, flee from, 3.213; pass by, 3.705; depart from, leave, 3.124; of death, yield up, 3.140; give up or over, desist from, 3.160.

palmōsus, a, um: adj. (palma), full of palm trees; palmy, 3.705.

Selīnūs, ūntis, f.: Selinus, a town on the southwestern coast of Sicily, 3.705.

vadum, ī, n.: a ford; a shallow, shoal, 1.112; sand-bank, 10.303; shallow water, 11.628; bottom, depth, 1.126; water, tide, stream, 6.320; water of the sea, 5.158; wave, sea, 7.198.

Lilybēius, a, um: adj. (Lilybaeum), of Lilybaeum, the western promontory of Sicily; Lilybaean, 3.706.

Drepanum, ī, n.: Drepanum, a town on the western coast of Sicily, now Trapani, 3.707.

portus, ūs, m.: a port, harbor, haven, 1.159, et al; (fig.), 7.598.

inlaetābilis, e: (adj.), joyless; sad, mournful, 3.707.

ōra, ae, f.: a margin, border, 12.924; coast, shore, 3.396; region, 2.91; rim, extremity, 10.477; pl., outline, compass, 9.528.

pelagus, ī, n.: the sea; open sea, main, 1.138; flood, 1.246.

heu: (interj.), alas! ah! oh! 2.289, et al.

genitor, ōris, m.: he who begets; father, sire, 1.155, et al. (gignō)

levāmen, inis, n.: an alleviation; relief, mitigation; solace, 3.709. (2. levō)

Anchīsēs, ae, m.: son of Capys and Themis, and father of Aeneas by Venus, 2.687, et al.

nēquīquam: (adv.), in vain, to no purpose, 2.515.

nec or neque: (adv. and conj.), and not; neither, nor, 1.643, et al.; in prohibition, 3.394, et al.; neque (nec) — neque (nec), neither — nor, 5.21, et al.; nec — et, or -que, may be rendered neither — nor, 12.801; 2.534; nec nōn, and also, nor less, 6.183; nec nōn et, and also, 1.707.

Helenus, ī, m.: a prophet, son of Priam; carried away captive by Pyrrhus to Epirus, where he became the husband of Andromache and ruler of a small kingdom, 3.329, et al.

horrendus, a, um: to be shuddered at; dreadful, fearful, 2.222; awe-inspiring, venerable, 6.10; strange, wonderful, 8.565; fierce, warlike, 11.507. (horreō)

praedīcō, dīxī, dictus, 3, a.: to say beforehand; foretell, prophesy, predict, 3.252; forewarn, 3.436; p., praedictus, a, um, foretold.

lūctus, ūs, m.: a mourning; sorrow, grief, woe, lamentation, 2.298, and freq.; personif., 6.274. (lūgeō)

dīrus, a, um: (adj.), accursed; portentous; fearful, dreadful, awful, dire, cruel, horrible, freq.; accursed, 2.261; unhallowed, impious, 6.373; foul, carrion, 3.262; wild, furious, ardent, 9.185; pl., dīra (adv.), fearfully, 10.572.

Celaenō, ūs, f.: one of the Harpies, 3.211.

mēta, ae, f.: a meta; one of the cone-shaped pillars, three of which terminated each end of the spina in the Roman circus, and marked the turning point of the course; a turning point, goal, 5.129; (fig.), limit, extremity, end, bound, 1.278; 8.594; meridian, zenith, 5.835; mētae mortis, the bounds of death; i.e., fixed by death, 12.546. (mētior)

dīgredior, gressus sum, 3, dep. n.: to walk or go apart, aside, or away; depart, 3.410; separate, 4.80; come from, 2.718. (di- and gradior)

appellō, pulī, pulsus, 3, a.: to drive to; bring, convey to, 1.377; draw up to, moor on the shore, 7.39. (ad and pellō)

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/ja/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-iii-692-715