1. Quid etiam in pāgō Aeduōrum gestum sit, referam. ubi dum templum itidem ēverteret, furēns gentīlium rusticōrum in eum irruit multitūdo. cumque ūnus audācior cēterīs strictō eum gladiō peteret, rēiectō palliō nūdam cervicem percussūrō praebuit. 2. nec cunctātus ferīre gentīlis, sed cum dexteram altius extulisset, resupīnus ruit, cōnsternātusque dīvīnō metū veniam precābātur. 3. nec dissimile huic fuit illud. cum eum īdōla dēstruentem cultrō quīdam ferīre voluisset, in ipsō ictū ferrum eī dē manibus excussum nōn compāruit. 4. plērumque autem contrā dīcentibus sibi rusticīs, nē eōrum fāna dēstrueret, ita praedīcātiōne sānctā gentīles animōs mītigābat, ut lūce eīs vēritātis ostēnsā ipsī sua templa subverterent.

    Aeduorum:  'of the Aedui', a large and important Gallic people occupying the territory between the Saone and the Loire rivers. Historical map.

    stricto . . . gladio: 'with his sword drawn' (> stringo).

    peteret: 'was attacking'.

    reiecto pallio: 'with his cloak having been cast aside' (> reicio).

    percussuro: 'to the one about to strike' (> percutio).

    gentilis: 'the heathen (man)'.

    huic . . . illud: 'this (just mentioned) . . . the following'.

    non comparuit: 'disappeared' (> compareo).

    plerumque autem contrā dīcentibus sibi rusticīs: 'generally, however, when the peasants were speaking speaking to him in opposition'.

    pāgus -ī m.: district, canton, province

    itidem: (adv.) in like manner, so, in the same way

    stringō stringere strinxī strictum: draw tightly, bind

    rēicio -icere -iēcī -iectum: throw, cast back

    pallium -ī n.: coverlet; Greek cloak or mantle

    cervīx -īcis f.: neck

    percutiō -cutere -cussī -cussum: strike through; slay, kill

    cunctor -ārī: delay, tarry, linger

    resupīnus -a -um: thrown backwards, stretched out

    ruō ruere ruī rūtum: throw down, overthrow; rush down

    cōnsternō -āre: alarm, overwhelm with terror

    dissimilis -e: unlike, dissimilar, different

    īdōlon -ī n.: idol

    culter -trī m.: knife

    excutiō -cutere -cussī -cussum: shake out, shake off, force away

    compāreō -ēre -uī: appear, be visible

    praedicātio -ōnis f.: preaching

    mītigō -āre: soften, soothe, appease

    vēritās -ātis f.: truth, verity

    subvertō -vertere -vertī -versum: turn upside down; ruin, destroy

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    Suggested Citation

    Christopher Francese, Sulpicius Severus: Life of St. Martin. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-947822-03-0. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/ja/sulpicius-severus/section-15