Oceanum interea surgens Aurora reliquit:

Aeneas, quamquam et sociis dare tempus humandis

praecipitant curae turbataque funere mens est,

uota deum primo uictor soluebat Eoo.

ingentem quercum decisis undique ramis5

constituit tumulo fulgentiaque induit arma,

Mezenti ducis exuuias, tibi magne tropaeum

bellipotens; aptat rorantis sanguine cristas

telaque trunca uiri, et bis sex thoraca petitum

perfossumque locis, clipeumque ex aere sinistrae10

subligat atque ensem collo suspendit eburnum.

tum socios (namque omnis eum stipata tegebat

turba ducum) sic incipiens hortatur ouantis:

'maxima res effecta, uiri; timor omnis abesto,

quod superest; haec sunt spolia et de rege superbo15

primitiae manibusque meis Mezentius hic est.

nunc iter ad regem nobis murosque Latinos.

arma parate, animis et spe praesumite bellum,

ne qua mora ignaros, ubi primum uellere signa

adnuerint superi pubemque educere castris,20

impediat segnisue metu sententia tardet.

interea socios inhumataque corpora terrae

mandemus, qui solus honos Acheronte sub imo est.

ite,' ait 'egregias animas, quae sanguine nobis

hanc patriam peperere suo, decorate supremis25

muneribus, maestamque Euandri primus ad urbem

mittatur Pallas, quem non uirtutis egentem

abstulit atra dies et funere mersit acerbo.'


Ōceanus, ī, m.: the god Oceanus; the waters encompassing the lands; the ocean, 1.287; distinguished as eastern and western, 7.101.

intereā: (adv.), amid these things; meanwhile, in the meantime, 1.418, et al.

aurōra, ae, f.: the dawn, morning, 3.521; personified, Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, who precedes the horses of the sun-god, 4.585; the east, 8.686; the sun, 6.535.

Aenēās, ae, m.: 1. A Trojan chief, son of Venus and Anchises, and hero of the Aeneid, 1.92. 2. Aenēās Silvius, one of the Alban kings, 6.769.

tempus, oris, n.: 1. Time in general, a period, time, 1.278; interval or space of time, 4.433; crisis, circumstance, juncture, 7.37; season, fitting time, opportunity, proper moment, 4.294; ex longō (tempore), in or for a long time, 9.64. 2. The temple of the forehead, 9.418; commonly pl., 2.684; of animals, 12.173.

humō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to lay earth on anything; inhume, inter, bury, 6.161. (humus)

praecipitō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n.: to cast headlong, hurl, plunge, 2.37; urge, hurry, hasten; impel, incite, 2.317; break off, end swiftly, 12.699; hasten away, 4.565; n. (sc. sē), fall headlong, 6.351; descend swiftly, 2.9; run down, 4.251. (praeceps)

Eōus, ī, m.: Lucifer, the day star; the dawn, 3.588.

quercus, ūs, f.: an oak tree, 3.680; (meton.), an oak leaf crown, 6.772.

dēcīdō, cīdī, cīsus, 3, a.: to cut, lop off, 11.5. (dē and caedō)

rāmus, ī, m.: a branch, bough, 4.485, et al.; limb, 8.318; wreath, 5.71.

tumulus, ī, m.: a rising ground; a low hill, 9.195; a mound, 2.713; sepulchral mound, sepulcher, tomb, 3.304; 11.103. (tumeō)

fulgēns, entis: gleaming, flashing, 2.749; glowing, bright, 9.614. (fulgeō)

induō, uī, ūtus, 3, a.: to put into; put on, assume, 1.684; clothe; surround, crown, 3.526; pierce, slay, 10.682; (pass. as middle, w. acc.), gird one's self with, put on, 2.393; induere in vultūs, transform to the features, 7.20.

Mēzentius, iī, m.: tyrant of Agylla or Caere, and ally of Latinus and Turnus, 7.648.

exuviae, ārum, f.: that which has been taken off; a garment, vestment, 4.496; armor, arms; spoils, 2.275; memorials, relics, 4.651; skin, 2.473; hide, 11.577. (exuō)

tropaeum, ī, n.: a memorial of the turning (cf. τρέπειν, to turn) or rout of an enemy; the trunk of a tree on which were hung the arms or spoils of an enemy slain; any memento of victory; a trophy.

bellipotēns, entis: adj. (bellum and potēns), powerful in war; subst. m., the god of war, 11.8.

aptō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to fit, join, or fasten to; with acc. and dat., 8.721; put on, 2.390; get ready, prepare, 10.259; fit out, prepare, 1.552; with abl. of manner, 8.80. (aptus)

rōrō, āvī, ātus, 1, n. and a.: to be moist with dew; (fig.), to drop, drip, 8.645. (rōs)

crista, ae, f.: a crest, plume, 3.468; helmet, 7.185.

truncus, a, um: adj. (truncus), stripped of its branches, 3.659; mutilated, maimed, mangled, 6.497; broken, shattered, 11.9.

bis: (adv.), twice, 1.381. (in composition bi-)

sex: six, 9.272, et al. (num. indecl. adj.)

thōrāx, ācis, acc. pl., -ācas, m.: a corselet, breastplate, cuirass, 7.633.

perfodiō, fōdī, fossus, 3, a.: to dig or pierce through, transfix, 11.10.

clipeus, ī, m., and clipeum, ī, n.: a round shield; a shield, 2.227, et al.

sinistra, ae, f. (sc. manus): the left hand, 2.443, et al.

subligō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to bind under; bind, gird on, 8.459; attach, fasten, 11.11.

ēnsis, is, m.: a sword, 2.393, et al.; knife, 2.155.

collum, ī, n.: the neck of men and animals, 1.654, et al.; of a plant, 9.436; pl., the neck, 11.692.

suspendō, pendī, pēnsus, 3, a.: to hang up, 6.859; hang, 1.318; p., suspēnsus, a, um, suspended, scarcely touching the ground or water, 7.810; hanging, 8.190; as adj., in suspense, uncertain, doubtful, in doubt, 6.722; anxious, 2.729; filled with awe, 3.372.

eburnus, a, um: adj. (ebur), of ivory; ivory, 6.647; ivory-hilted, 11.11.

stīpō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to tread down, compress; pack together, store up, 1.433; load, w. acc. and dat., 3.465; throng around, attend, 4.136.

ovō, ātus, 1, n.: to shout, rejoice, 3.544; triumph, 6.589; p., ovāns, antis, exulting, joyous, shouting, triumphant, 4.543; of things, 10.409.

absum, āfuī or abfuī, āfutūrus or abfutūrus, abesse, irreg. n.: to be away; to be absent, 2.620; distant, 11.907; to be wanting, missing, 1.584; inf., āfore, or abfore, will be wanting, 8.147.

supersum, fuī, esse, irreg., n.: to be over; to be left, remain (separated by tmesis), 2.567; survive, 8.399.

spolium, I, n.: that which is taken from the body of a slain man or beast; spoil, trophy, 1.289; spolia opīma, the arms or spoils taken by a victorious general from the body of a hostile commander slain in battle, 6.855.

prīmitiae, ārum, f.: the first fruits; first offerings, 11.16; beginnings, first essays, 11.156. (prīmus)

manus, ūs, f.: the hand, 1.487; freq.; (meton.), action, movement of the hand; work, art, handiwork, 3.486; prowess, heroic deed, action, 2.434; force, violence, 2.645; a collection of persons; a band, crew, troop; an army, 2.29; forces, 5.623; multitude, 6.660; pl., manūs, workmen, 11.329; dare manūs, to yield, 11.558; extrēma manus, the finishing hand or touch, 7.572.

Latīnus, a, um: adj. (Latium), of Latium; Latin, 1.6, et al.; Latīna, ae, f., a Latin woman, 12.604.

praesūmō, sūmpsī, sūmptus, 3, a.: to take beforehand; anticipate, 11.18.

quis, qua or quae, quid or quod: (indef. pron., adj., and subst.), any, some, 2.94, et al.; some one, any one, any body, anything, something, 1.413, et al.; sī quis, nē quis, etc., if any, lest any, etc., freq.; (adv.), quid, as to anything, in anything, at all, freq.; sī quid, if at all, freq.

ignārus, a, um: (adj.), not knowing; freq.; unaware, ignorant, 11.154; often w. genit., ignorant of, 1.630; unsuspicious of, 2.106; unconscious, 9.345; not knowing the land; (pass.), unknown, a stranger, 10.706.

vellō, vellī or vulsī, vulsus, 3, a.: to pluck; pull up, 3.28; wrench, tear away, 2.480; tear down, 9.506; move, 11.19; seize, lift, 10.381; vellere sīgna, pluck up the standards from the ground; move the camp, depart.

adnuō, nuī (ūtus, rare), 3, a. and n.: to nod to; with dat., acc. and dat., and infin.; ascent, consent, 4.128; promise, 1.250; direct, permit, 11.20.

pūbēs, is, f.: the groin, middle, 3.427; the youthful population; youth, young men; youthful band, 1.399; brood, offspring, 6.580.

impediō, īvī or iī, ītus, 4, a.: to hinder, 9.385; hamper, 10.553; involve, intersect, 5.585; combine, 8.449. (1. in and pēs)

sēgnis, e: (adj.), tardy, sluggish, dilatory, backward, 11.736; slothful, inactive, 3.513; mean-spirited, cowardly, 9.787; helpless, 10.700; (fig.), idle, exhausted; comp., sēgnior, less glorious, less divine, 4.149; less rapid, 7.383.

tardō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. and n.: to render slow; hinder, cripple, delay, 5.453; impede, enfeeble, 6.731; hold back, detain, retard, 11.21. (tardus)

inhumātus, a, um: (adj.), unburied, 4.620.

mandō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to give in hand or consign; w. acc. alone, or acc. and dat., or inf.; to commission, charge, bid, command, 4.222; place, deposit; commit, consign, confide, intrust, 3.50; of burial, to inter; order, w. inf. (manus and dō)

Acherōn, ontis, m.: the Acheron, a river of Hades, 6.295; (met.), the lower world, 5.99.

decorō, āvī, ātus, 1, a.: to adorn, decorate, 6.217; honor, 11.25. (decus)

Euander (-drus, 8.100; Ēvander, -drus), drī, m.: Evander, an Arcadian prince, son of Carmentis, and king of Pallanteum on the Tiber, 8.52.

Pallās, antis, m.: 1. A king of Arcadia, great-grandfather of Evander, 8.51. 2. Pallas, son of Evander, 8.104, et al.

egēns, entis: destitute, needy, necessitous, helpless, 4.373. (egeō)

āter, tra, trum: (adj.), black; dark, gloomy, 1.60, et al.; smoky, lurid, 7.456; 4.384; clotted, dark, 3.622; soiled, blackened, 2.272; (fig.), sad, fatal, 6.429; venomous, deadly; of the odor of smoke, 12.591.

mergō, mersī, mersus, 3, a.: to dip, immerse, plunge, w. abl. alone, or w. prep., 6.342; cover, 6.267; (fig.), involve, overwhelm, 6.615.

acerbus, a, um: harsh, bitter, in taste; (fig.), cruel, fierce, 5.462; fatal, direful, sorrowful, sad, mournful, 5.49; 6.429; pl., acerba, ōrum, n., vengeful deeds, 12.500; (adv.), acerba, harshly, savagely, fiercely, 9.794.

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Suggested Citation

Christopher Francese and Meghan Reedy, Vergil: Aeneid Selections. Carlisle, Pennsylvania: Dickinson College Commentaries, 2016. ISBN: 978-1-947822-08-5. https://dcc.dickinson.edu/el/vergil-aeneid/vergil-aeneid-xi-1-28